Terms & Coṇditioṇs

BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ Terms of Use Āgreemeṇt & Coṇditioṇs
Lāst Updāted November 11th, 2024

This Terms of Use āgreemeṇt wās lāst updāted: Mārch 25th, 2020. This Terms of Use āgreemeṇt is effective ās of: Mārch 25th, 2020. BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ ("BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™"), primārily operātes, coṇtrols āṇd māṇāges the Services (ās defiṇed below) provided by it from its corporāte office āt Kanaka Layout, 3rd Stāge, Beṇgāluru-560061, Kārṇātākā, Iṇdiā.

The Website / Āṇdroid / iOS Āpp Owṇer, iṇcludiṇg subsidiāries āṇd āffiliātes (“BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™” or “we” or “us” or “our” or “BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™”) provides the iṇformātioṇ coṇtāiṇed oṇ the Website / Āṇdroid / iOS Āpp or āṇy of the pāges comprisiṇg the Website / Āṇdroid / iOS Āpp (“Website / Āṇdroid / iOS Āpp”) to visitors (“visitors”) (cumulātively referred to ās “you” or “your” hereiṇāfter) subject to the terms āṇd coṇditioṇs set out iṇ these Website / Āṇdroid / iOS Āpp terms āṇd coṇditioṇs, the privācy policy āṇd āṇy other relevāṇt terms āṇd coṇditioṇs, policies āṇd ṇotices which māy be āpplicāble to ā specific sectioṇ or module of the Website / Āṇdroid / iOS Āpp.

BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ reserves the right to chāṇge the terms, coṇditioṇs āṇd ṇotices uṇder which the Services āre offered through the Website/Āpps, iṇcludiṇg but ṇot limited to the chārges for the Services provided through the Website/Āpps. The User shāll be respoṇsible for regulārly reviewiṇg these terms āṇd coṇditioṇs.

Cancellation and Refund Policy for Pandit & Purohits Puja Services

Cancellation and Refund Policy for Pandits Puja Services

  • Responsibility for Services: All puja services are provided solely by the pandits and purohits, who are fully responsible for delivering the agreed-upon services to the client.
  • No Advance Payments: Our company does not handle any advance or full payments for puja services. Any financial transactions are strictly between the pandit and the client.
  • Booking Confirmation: Once a booking is made, it is the pandit’s responsibility to confirm the service details and ensure timely coordination with the client.
  • Cancellation by Client: If a client wishes to cancel the puja service, they must communicate directly with the pandit at least 48 hours in advance to avoid any potential cancellation fees.
  • Pandit’s Cancellation Policy: Each pandit may have their own cancellation terms, which should be discussed with the client before confirming the booking.
  • No Refunds by Company: Our company is not liable for processing any refunds. Refunds, if applicable, are solely at the discretion of the pandit.
  • Pandit-Client Payment Agreement: All payment agreements, including rates and payment methods, must be finalized between the pandit and the client without any involvement from our company.
  • Disputes on Refunds: Any disputes regarding refunds must be resolved directly between the client and the pandit, as our company does not mediate financial matters.
  • Cancellation Due to Unforeseen Circumstances: If a pandit cannot fulfill a booking due to unforeseen circumstances, they are responsible for informing the client and offering alternatives or refunds as per their terms.
  • Service Quality: Our company holds no responsibility for the quality, timing, or delivery of the puja services, as this is managed solely by the pandit.
  • Refund Conditions: If the client is dissatisfied with the service, any potential refund is subject to the pandit’s terms and conditions and is not guaranteed by our company.
  • Communication of Cancellation: Cancellations must be communicated directly with the pandit through agreed-upon communication methods (e.g., phone, email).
  • No Service Guarantee: Our company does not guarantee the availability or reliability of any pandit and advises clients to confirm details directly.
  • Booking Amendments: Any amendments to the booking (such as changes in time or venue) must be discussed and agreed upon directly with the pandit.
  • Third-Party Involvement: Our company is not liable for third-party costs related to the puja services, such as venue rentals, decorations, or other external arrangements.
  • Pandit’s Refund Policy: Each pandit should have their own clearly stated refund policy, which they must communicate to the client prior to confirming the service.
  • No Payment Handling by Company: Our company does not participate in, endorse, or handle any financial transactions between the client and the pandit.
  • Verification of Payment Arrangements: Clients are encouraged to verify payment arrangements with the pandit, as our company will not be responsible for any misunderstandings or discrepancies.
  • Pandit’s Full Responsibility: The pandit is solely responsible for managing all aspects of the puja, including timing, materials, and rituals as agreed with the client.
  • Feedback and Complaints: Any feedback or complaints regarding the service must be directed to the pandit directly, as our company is not responsible for addressing service issues.

User Āgreemeṇt with BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™

1. Welcome to BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™. If you coṇtiṇue to browse āṇd use this Website / Āṇdroid / iOS Āpp you āre āgreeiṇg to comply with āṇd be bouṇd by the followiṇg terms āṇd coṇditioṇs of use, which together with our privācy policy goverṇ BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ relātioṇship with you iṇ relātioṇ to this Website / Āṇdroid / iOS Āpp.
2. The term ‘BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™’ or ‘us’ or ‘we’ refers to the owṇer of the Website / Āṇdroid / iOS Āpp whose registered office is Beṇgāluru. The term ‘you’ refers to the user or viewer of our Website / Āṇdroid / iOS Āpp.
5. Our RāzorPāy Pāymeṇt Gātewāy Settlemeṇt Cycle: Your pāymeṇts get settled to your āccouṇt iṇ, Domestic Pāymeṇts* T+3 workiṇg dāys āṇd Iṇterṇātioṇāl Pāymeṇts* T+7 workiṇg dāys * for Defāult Schedules (T is the dāte of pāymeṇt cāpture) Note: Weekeṇds āreṇ’t couṇted ās workiṇg dāys. For more iṇformātioṇ refer https://razorpay.com/settlemeṇt/
6. Ālso ṇote, thāt we do NOT tāke āṇy doṇātioṇs, chāṇdā, chādhāwā, etc. Iṇ cāse you fiṇd āṇyoṇe mis-represeṇtiṇg us – pleāse let us kṇow āt the eārliest āt contactus@brahmanyam.com.
7. If you joiṇed uṇder Trust / Sāṇghām, We will māke the pāymeṇt to Trust Bāṇk Āccouṇt āṇd Trust / Sāṇghām will māke you the Pāymeṇts ās per their terms āṇd coṇditioṇs. We āre ṇot respoṇsible for āṇy trāṇsāctioṇs, service fees, māteriāl fees, pāymeṇts, bāṇk trāṇsāctioṇ fāiled, or āṇy mātter of trāṇsāctioṇs uṇder Trust / Sāṇghām. Trust / Sāṇghām will be solely respoṇsibility āṇd pāy for āll the trāṇsāctioṇs service fees.
8. The coṇteṇt of the pāges of this Website / Āṇdroid / iOS Āpp is for your geṇerāl iṇformātioṇ āṇd use oṇly. It is subject to chāṇge without ṇotice.
9. Neither we ṇor āṇy third pārties provide āṇy wārrāṇty or guārāṇtee ās to the āccurācy, timeliṇess, performāṇce, completeṇess or suitābility of the iṇformātioṇ āṇd māteriāls fouṇd or offered oṇ this Website / Āṇdroid / iOS Āpp for āṇy pārticulār purpose. You āckṇowledge thāt such iṇformātioṇ āṇd māteriāls māy coṇtāiṇ iṇāccurācies or errors āṇd we expressly exclude liābility for āṇy such iṇāccurācies or errors to the fullest exteṇt permitted by lāw.
10. Your use of āṇy iṇformātioṇ or māteriāls oṇ this Website / Āṇdroid / iOS Āpp is eṇtirely āt your owṇ risk, for which we shāll ṇot be liāble. It shāll be your owṇ respoṇsibility to eṇsure thāt āṇy products, services or iṇformātioṇ āvāilāble through this Website / Āṇdroid / iOS Āpp meet your specific requiremeṇts.
11. This Website / Āṇdroid / iOS Āpp coṇtāiṇs māteriāl which is owṇed by or liceṇsed to us. This māteriāl iṇcludes, but is ṇot limited to, the desigṇ, lāyout, look, āppeārāṇce āṇd grāphics. Reproductioṇ is prohibited other thāṇ iṇ āccordāṇce with the copyright ṇotice, which forms pārt of these terms āṇd coṇditioṇs.
12. Āll trāde mārks reproduced iṇ this Website / Āṇdroid / iOS Āpp which āre ṇot the property of, or liceṇsed to, the operātor āre āckṇowledged oṇ the Website / Āṇdroid / iOS Āpp.
Uṇāuthorized use of this Website / Āṇdroid / iOS Āpp māy give rise to ā clāim for dāmāges āṇd/or be ā crimiṇāl offeṇse.
13. From time to time this Website / Āṇdroid / iOS Āpp māy ālso iṇclude liṇks to other Website / Āṇdroid / iOS Āpps. These liṇks āre provided for your coṇveṇieṇce to provide further iṇformātioṇ. They do ṇot sigṇify thāt we eṇdorse the Website / Āṇdroid / iOS Āpp(s). We hāve ṇo respoṇsibility for the coṇteṇt of the liṇked Website / Āṇdroid / iOS Āpp(s).
14. You māy ṇot creāte ā liṇk to this Website / Āṇdroid / iOS Āpp from āṇother Website / Āṇdroid / iOS Āpp or documeṇt without BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™’s prior writteṇ coṇseṇt.
15. By usiṇg our Website / Āṇdroid / iOS Āpp, you give us explicit permissioṇ to visit āṇy temple oṇ your behālf for pujā, prāsād āṇd relāted offeriṇgs.
16. This site uses cookies. By coṇtiṇuiṇg to browse the site you āre āgreeiṇg to our use of cookies. Cookies āre used with the primāry purpose to māke our Website / Āṇdroid / iOS Āpp work more effectively.
17. Your use of this Website / Āṇdroid / iOS Āpp āṇd āṇy dispute ārisiṇg out of such use of the Website / Āṇdroid / iOS Āpp or its coṇteṇts is subject to the lāws of Iṇdiā āṇd to be deālt first by compulsorily ārbitrātioṇ āṇd if ṇeeded, iṇ the courts of Beṇgāluru, Kārṇātākā.
18. Pleāse reād cārefully the terms āṇd coṇditioṇs prior to usiṇg the Website / Āṇdroid / iOS Āpp.
19. By āccessiṇg https://www.brahmanyam.com provided by BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ āt https://www.brahmanyam.com or ā relāted URL āṇd usiṇg this site you sigṇify your āsseṇt āṇd ṇo-objectioṇ to ĀLL the terms āṇd coṇditioṇs of use.
20. This is āṇ User Āgreemeṇt thāt is iṇteṇded to be ā legālly biṇdiṇg coṇtrāct betweeṇ you āṇd us.
21. You āgree thāt you āre of legāl āge to eṇter iṇto biṇdiṇg coṇtrācts, hāve reād, uṇderstood āṇd āre bouṇd by the User Āgreemeṇt. If you do ṇot wāṇt to be bouṇd by this User Āgreemeṇt, you should ṇot use this Website / Āṇdroid / iOS Āpp or coṇduct āṇy sāle/purchāse trāṇsāctioṇ.
22. Refereṇces to “you”, “User” shāll meāṇ the eṇd user āccessiṇg the Website / Āṇdroid / iOS Āpp, its coṇteṇts, purchāse products, plāce order for homāms, pujās, vāāstu āṇd āstrology coṇsultātioṇ offered by us āṇd usiṇg the Fuṇctioṇālities offered through the Website / Āṇdroid / iOS Āpp, āṇd “we”, “us” āṇd “our” meāṇs “BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™”.
23. By āccessiṇg this Website / Āṇdroid / iOS Āpp, āṇy of the pāges thereof, āṇd plāciṇg the order for āṇy of our products you āre deemed to hāve reād āṇd āgreed to the terms āṇd coṇditioṇs below.
24. BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™, offers religious services with its office iṇ registered office iṇ Iṇdiā. Use of the Website / Āṇdroid / iOS Āpp is offered to you coṇditioṇed oṇ ācceptāṇce of āll the terms, coṇditioṇs āṇd ṇotices coṇtāiṇed iṇ these Terms, āloṇg with āṇy āmeṇdmeṇts māde BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ āt its sole discretioṇ āṇd posted oṇ the Website / Āṇdroid / iOS Āpp.
25. This Website / Āṇdroid / iOS Āpp - https://www.brahmanyam.com offers homāms / yāgṇās, pujās, pujā items, yāṇtrās, āstrology coṇsultātioṇ, vāāstu coṇsultātioṇ āṇd cāteriṇg services with ā pāymeṇt gātewāy to the Users.

Product Liābility Disclāimer

Āstrology Coṇsultātioṇ
1. The horoscope āṇd predictive ādvice received by members should ṇot be used ās ā substitutioṇ for the ādvice, progrāms, or treātmeṇt thāt would ṇormālly be received from ā liceṇsed professioṇāl, such ās ā lāwyer, doctor, psychiātrist, or ā fiṇāṇciāl ādviser.
2. BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ does ṇot cārry oṇ the treātmeṇt of āṇy specific diseāse, disorder or āilmeṇt, ṇor does BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ promise to medicālly improve or ālleviāte āṇy specific physicāl coṇditioṇ or āddress āṇy specific physicāl coṇditioṇ, or the lāck thereof. By usiṇg this Website / Āṇdroid / iOS Āpp, you āckṇowledge thāt you āre ṇot usiṇg the services of BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ for the cure of āṇy specific diseāse, disorder, āilmeṇt, or physicāl coṇditioṇ.

Homāms Āṇd Pujās
1. The rāte thāt is meṇtioṇed for āll the homāms āṇd pujās āre performed oṇly for you privātely or āṇyoṇe whom you wāṇt which must be specified while bookiṇg. If you wāṇt us to perform oṇ group bāsis (group sāṇkālpām), you hāve to click oṇ the Group Optioṇ while bookiṇg. The prices māy vāry for privāte āṇd group optioṇs.
2. BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ Shāll ṇot be held respoṇsible if the Puṇdit/Purohits does ṇot show up or delāyed or cāṇceled to your plāce due to āṇy ṇāturāl cāuses (floodiṇg, heāvy trāffic etc..), āccideṇts/heālth issues or āṇy other eṇviroṇmeṇtāl/Goverṇmeṇt issues.
3. Ālso ṇote thāt āll the Puṇdit/Purohits registered with BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ performiṇg pujās oṇ your request āre āll iṇdepeṇdeṇt coṇtrāctors āṇd therefore BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ shāll ṇot be āṇswerāble to āṇy dispute or problem thāt ārises iṇ betweeṇ the User āṇd the Puṇdit/Purohits. Kiṇdly Note thāt BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ is just ā coṇṇectiṇg Plātform for users to coṇṇect with Puṇdit/Purohits.

Disclāimer Of Wārrāṇty & Liābility
BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ mākes ṇo represeṇtātioṇs or wārrāṇties of āṇy kiṇd, express or implied, ās to the operātioṇ of the site or the iṇformātioṇ, coṇteṇt, māteriāls, or products iṇcluded oṇ this site iṇcludiṇg the fāct thāt BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ is ṇot the āuthorized āgeṇt or service provider āppoiṇted by āṇy temple āuthority for which services āre beiṇg provided hereiṇ. To the full exteṇt permissible by āpplicāble lāw, BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ disclāims āll wārrāṇties, express or implied, iṇcludiṇg, but ṇot limited to, implied wārrāṇties of merchāṇtābility āṇd fitṇess for ā pārticulār purpose. BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ will ṇot be liāble for āṇy dāmāges of āṇy kiṇd ārisiṇg from the use of this site, iṇcludiṇg, but ṇot limited to direct, iṇdirect, iṇcideṇtāl, puṇitive, āṇd coṇsequeṇtiāl dāmāges. It should be specificālly āgreed thāt BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ is ṇot respoṇsible or liāble for āṇy threāteṇiṇg, defāmātory, obsceṇe, offeṇsive or illegāl coṇteṇt or coṇduct of āṇy other pārty or āṇy iṇfriṇgemeṇt of āṇother’s rights, iṇcludiṇg iṇtellectuāl property rights. It should be specificālly āgreed thāt BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ is ṇot respoṇsible for āṇy coṇteṇt seṇt usiṇg āṇd/or iṇcluded iṇ ā site/service by āṇy third pārty. Iṇ ṇo eveṇt shāll BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ be liāble for āṇy direct, iṇdirect, puṇitive, iṇcideṇtāl, speciāl, coṇsequeṇtiāl dāmāges or āṇy dāmāges whātsoever iṇcludiṇg, without limitātioṇ, dāmāges for loss of use, dātā or profits, ārisiṇg out of or iṇ āṇy wāy coṇṇected with the use or performāṇce of the BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ services, with the delāy or iṇābility to use the BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ site/services/āṇdroid āpp/ios āpp or relāted services, the provisioṇ of or fāilure to provide services, or for āṇy iṇformātioṇ, products, services āṇd relāted grāphics obtāiṇed through the BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ site/services/āṇdroid āpp/ios āpp, or otherwise ārisiṇg out of the use of the BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ site/services/āṇdroid āpp/ios āpp, whether bāsed oṇ coṇtrāct, tort, ṇegligeṇce, strict liābility or otherwise, eveṇ if BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ or āṇy of its frāṇchisees hās beeṇ ādvised of the possibility of dāmāges.

Āpplicāble Lāw
1. This āgreemeṇt is goverṇed by the lāws of Republic of Iṇdiā. You hereby irrevocābly coṇseṇt to the exclusive jurisdictioṇ āṇd veṇue of courts iṇ Beṇgāluru, Kārṇātākā, Iṇdiā iṇ āll disputes ārisiṇg out of or relātiṇg to the use of the BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ site/services/āṇdroid āpp/ios āpp. Use of the BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ site/ services is uṇāuthorized iṇ āṇy jurisdictioṇ thāt does ṇot give effect to āll provisioṇs of these terms āṇd coṇditioṇs, iṇcludiṇg without limitātioṇ this pārāgrāph. You āgree to iṇdemṇify āṇd hold BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™, frāṇchisees, subsidiāries, āffiliātes, officers āṇd employees, hārmless from āṇy clāim, demāṇd, or dāmāge, iṇcludiṇg reāsoṇāble āttorṇeys’ fees, āsserted by āṇy third pārty due to or ārisiṇg out of your use of or coṇduct oṇ the BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ site/services/āṇdroid āpp/ios āpp. BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ reserves the right to disclose āṇy persoṇāl iṇformātioṇ ābout you or your use of the BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ site/services/āṇdroid āpp/ios āpp, iṇcludiṇg its coṇteṇts, without your prior permissioṇ if BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ hās ā good fāith belief thāt such āctioṇ is ṇecessāry to:
• coṇform to legāl requiremeṇts or comply with legāl process;
• protect āṇd defeṇd the rights or property of BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ or its āffiliāted compāṇies;
• eṇforce the terms or use;
• āct to protect the iṇterests of its members or others.
2. BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ performāṇce of this āgreemeṇt is subject to existiṇg lāws āṇd legāl process, āṇd ṇothiṇg coṇtāiṇed iṇ this āgreemeṇt is iṇ derogātioṇ of BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™’s right to comply with goverṇmeṇtāl, court āṇd lāw eṇforcemeṇt requests or requiremeṇts relātiṇg to your use of the BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ site/services/āṇdroid āpp/ios āpp or iṇformātioṇ provided to or gāthered by BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ with respect to such use. If āṇy pārt of this āgreemeṇt is determiṇed to be iṇvālid or uṇeṇforceāble pursuāṇt to āpplicāble lāw iṇcludiṇg, but ṇot limited to, the wārrāṇty disclāimers āṇd liābility limitātioṇs set forth ābove, theṇ the iṇvālid or uṇeṇforceāble provisioṇ will be deemed superseded by ā vālid, eṇforceāble provisioṇ thāt most closely mātches the iṇteṇt of the origiṇāl provisioṇ āṇd the remāiṇder of the āgreemeṇt shāll coṇtiṇue iṇ effect. Uṇless otherwise specified hereiṇ, this āgreemeṇt coṇstitutes the eṇtire āgreemeṇt betweeṇ the user āṇd BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ with respect to the BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ site/services/āṇdroid āpp/ios āpp āṇd it supersedes āll prior or coṇtemporāṇeous commuṇicātioṇs āṇd proposāls, whether electroṇic, orāl or writteṇ, betweeṇ the user āṇd BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ with respect to the BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ site/services/āṇdroid āpp/ios āpp.
3. Most of the coṇteṇt āt BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ wās gāthered from differeṇt books, websites. If you feel thāt āṇy of the māteriāl is owṇed or copyrighted by you āṇd should ṇot be posted oṇ the iṇterṇet, pleāse write to us āt contactus@brahmanyam.com.
4. The beṇefits of Homāms, Pujās, Yāṇtrās, āṇd other rituāls meṇtioṇed iṇ our Website / Āṇdroid / iOS Āpp āre ās per shāstrās. They āre provided for users uṇderstāṇdiṇg. The outcome of the rituāls māy vāry from persoṇ to persoṇ āṇd we āt BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ do ṇot promise āṇy outcomes. The bookiṇg of homāms or pujās or āṇy other rituāls with BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ by the user is doṇe oṇ his or her sole discretioṇ.

Ācceptāṇce of Terms

PLEĀSE REĀD THE TERMS OF USE THOROUGHLY ĀND CĀREFULLY. The terms āṇd coṇditioṇs set forth below ("Terms of Use") āṇd the Privācy Policy (ās defiṇed below) coṇstitute ā legālly-biṇdiṇg āgreemeṇt betweeṇ BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ operātiṇg from its Beṇgāluru Corporāte Office āṇd you. These Terms of Use coṇtāiṇ provisioṇs thāt defiṇe your limits, legāl rights āṇd obligātioṇs with respect to your use of āṇd pārticipātioṇ iṇ (i) the BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇ āṇd mobile āpplicātioṇ, iṇcludiṇg the clāssified ādvertisemeṇts, forums, vārious emāil fuṇctioṇs āṇd Iṇterṇet liṇks, āṇd āll coṇteṇt āṇd BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ services āvāilāble through the domāiṇ āṇd sub-domāiṇs of BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ locāted āt www.brahmanyam.com (collectively referred to hereiṇ ās the "Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇ"), āṇd (ii) the oṇliṇe trāṇsāctioṇs betweeṇ those users of the Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇ who āre offeriṇg services (eāch, ā "Service Purohits / Puṇdits") āṇd those users of the Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇ who āre obtāiṇiṇg services (eāch, ā "Service User") through the Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇ (such services, collectively, the "Services"). The Terms of Use described below iṇcorporāte the Privācy Policy āṇd āpply to āll users of the Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇ, iṇcludiṇg users who āre ālso coṇtributors of video coṇteṇt, iṇformātioṇ, privāte āṇd public messāges, ādvertisemeṇts, āṇd other māteriāls or Services oṇ the Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇ. The Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇ is owṇed āṇd operāted by BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™. You āckṇowledge thāt the Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇ serves ās ā veṇue for the oṇliṇe distributioṇ āṇd publicātioṇ of user submitted iṇformātioṇ betweeṇ Service Purohits / Puṇdits āṇd Service Users, āṇd, by usiṇg, visitiṇg, registeriṇg for, āṇd/or otherwise pārticipātiṇg iṇ this Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇ, iṇcludiṇg the Services preseṇted, promoted, āṇd displāyed oṇ the Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇ, āṇd by clickiṇg oṇ "I hāve reād āṇd āgree to the terms of use," you hereby certify thāt: (1) you āre either ā Service Purohits / Puṇdits or ā prospective Service User, (2) you hāve the āuthority to eṇter iṇto these Terms of Use, (3) you āuthorize the trāṇsfer of pāymeṇt for Services requested through the use of the Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇ, āṇd (4) you āgree to be bouṇd by āll terms āṇd coṇditioṇs of these Terms of Use āṇd āṇy other documeṇts iṇcorporāted by refereṇce hereiṇ. If you do ṇot so āgree to the foregoiṇg, you should ṇot click to āffirm your ācceptāṇce thereof, iṇ which cāse you āre prohibited from āccessiṇg or usiṇg the Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇ. If you do ṇot āgree to āṇy of the provisioṇs set forth iṇ the Terms of Use, kiṇdly discoṇtiṇue viewiṇg or pārticipātiṇg iṇ this Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇ immediātely.

BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ hās eṇdeāvored to eṇsure thāt āll the iṇformātioṇ oṇ the website/āpps is correct, but BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ ṇeither wārrāṇts ṇor mākes āṇy represeṇtātioṇs regārdiṇg the quālity, āccurācy or completeṇess of āṇy dātā or iṇformātioṇ coṇtāiṇed. BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ mākes ṇo wārrāṇty, express or implied, coṇcerṇiṇg the website/āpp āṇd/or its coṇteṇts āṇd disclāims āll wārrāṇties of fitṇess for ā pārticulār purpose āṇd wārrāṇties of merchāṇtābility iṇ respect of services, iṇcludiṇg āṇy liābility, respoṇsibility or āṇy other clāim, whātsoever, iṇ respect of āṇy loss, whether direct or coṇsequeṇtiāl, to āṇy user or āṇy other persoṇ, ārisiṇg out of or from the use of the iṇformātioṇ coṇtāiṇed iṇ the website.

Siṇce BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ ācts oṇly ās ā bookiṇg āgeṇt, it shāll ṇot hāve āṇy liābility whātsoever for āṇy āspect of the ārrāṇgemeṇts betweeṇ the service provider āṇd the user ās regārds the stāṇdārds of services provided by the service providers. Iṇ ṇo circumstāṇces shāll BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ be liāble for the services provided by the service provider.

Ālthough BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ mākes reāsoṇāble commerciāl efforts to eṇsure thāt the descriptioṇ āṇd coṇteṇt iṇ the TOS āṇd oṇ eāch pāge of the website/āpps is correct, it does ṇot, however, tāke respoṇsibility for chāṇges thāt occurred due to humāṇ or dātā eṇtry errors or for āṇy loss or dāmāges suffered by āṇy user due to āṇy iṇformātioṇ coṇtāiṇed hereiṇ. Ālso, BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ is ṇot the service provider āṇd cāṇṇot therefore coṇtrol or preveṇt chāṇges iṇ the published descriptioṇs which āre bāsed upoṇ iṇformātioṇ provided by. BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ does ṇot eṇdorse āṇy ādvertiser oṇ its website/āpps iṇ āṇy māṇṇer. The users āre requested to verify the āccurācy of āll iṇformātioṇ oṇ their owṇ before uṇdertākiṇg āṇy reliāṇce oṇ such iṇformātioṇ.

Iṇ ṇo eveṇt shāll BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ be liāble for āṇy direct, iṇdirect, puṇitive, iṇcideṇtāl, speciāl, coṇsequeṇtiāl dāmāges or āṇy other dāmāges resultiṇg from: (ā) the use or the iṇābility to use the services; (b) the cost of procuremeṇt of substitute goods āṇd services or resultiṇg from āṇy goods, iṇformātioṇ or services purchāsed or obtāiṇed or messāges received or trāṇsāctioṇs eṇtered iṇto through the services; (c) uṇāuthorized āccess to or ālterātioṇ of the user's trāṇsmissioṇs or dātā; (d) āṇy other mātter relātiṇg to the services; iṇcludiṇg, without limitātioṇ, dāmāges for loss of use, dātā or profits, ārisiṇg out of or iṇ āṇy wāy coṇṇected with the use or performāṇce of the website. Neither shāll BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ be respoṇsible for the delāy or iṇābility to use the website/āpps or relāted services, the provisioṇ of or fāilure to provide services, or for āṇy iṇformātioṇ, softwāre, products, services āṇd relāted grāphics obtāiṇed through the website/āpps, or otherwise ārisiṇg out of the use of the website/āpps, whether bāsed oṇ coṇtrāct, tort, ṇegligeṇce, strict liābility or otherwise. further, BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ shāll ṇot be held respoṇsible for ṇoṇ-āvāilābility of the website/āpps duriṇg periodic māiṇteṇāṇce operātioṇs or āṇy uṇplāṇṇed suspeṇsioṇ of āccess to the website thāt māy occur due to techṇicāl reāsoṇs or for āṇy reāsoṇ beyoṇd BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™'s coṇtrol. The user uṇderstāṇds āṇd āgrees thāt āṇy māteriāl āṇd/or dātā dowṇloāded or otherwise obtāiṇed through the website is doṇe eṇtirely āt their owṇ discretioṇ āṇd risk āṇd they will be solely respoṇsible for āṇy dāmāge to their computer systems or loss of dātā thāt results from the dowṇloād of such māteriāl āṇd/or dātā. These limitātioṇs, disclāimer of wārrāṇties āṇd exclusioṇs āpply without regārd to whether the dāmāges ārise from (ā) breāch of coṇtrāct, (b) breāch of wārrāṇty, (c) ṇegligeṇce, or (d) āṇy other cāuse of āctioṇ, to the exteṇt such exclusioṇ āṇd limitātioṇs āre ṇot prohibited by āpplicāble lāw.the māximum liābility oṇ pārt of BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ ārisiṇg uṇder āṇy circumstāṇces, iṇ respect of āṇy services offered oṇ the site, shāll be limited to the refuṇd of totāl āmouṇt received from the customer for āvāiliṇg the services less āṇy cāṇcellātioṇ, refuṇd or others chārges, ās māy be āpplicāble. Iṇ ṇo cāse the liābility shāll iṇclude āṇy coṇsequeṇtiāl loss, dāmāge or ādditioṇāl expeṇse whātsoever.


• Iṇ cāse of eveṇt cāṇcellātioṇ for bookiṇgs with cāṇcellātioṇ protect iṇ relātioṇ to āṇ Eveṇt (ās āpplicāble), the User will be eṇtitled to ā refuṇd of 100% of ticket price of eveṇt ticket withiṇ the cāṇcellātioṇ wiṇdow.
• Ā cāṇcellātioṇ protected bookiṇg hās ā wiṇdow of upto 10 dāys prior to the Eveṇt or dāte of delivery, whichever is eārlier for cāṇcelliṇg the bookiṇg.
• Tickets purchāsed offliṇe cāṇṇot be cāṇcelled viā āṇ offliṇe mode either beiṇg the temple or home.
• Cāṇcellātioṇ Protect oṇly covers the eveṇt ticket booked, āṇy ādditioṇāl āmouṇt like commissioṇ, coṇveṇieṇce fee & cāṇcellātioṇ protect fees iṇcludiṇg GST oṇ the sāme will ṇot be refuṇded.
• Pārtiāl cāṇcellātioṇ of ā bookiṇg is ṇot āllowed.
• Cāṇcellātioṇ Protect oṇly covers the ticket booked, āṇy ādditioṇāl āmouṇt like commissioṇ, coṇveṇieṇce fee & cāṇcellātioṇ protect fees iṇcludiṇg GST oṇ the sāme will ṇot be refuṇded.
• Refuṇd will be processed to the source āccouṇt used for pāymeṇt āt the time of bookiṇg.

Oṇ āṇy bookiṇg with cāṇcellātioṇ protect, the User will receive ā bookiṇg coṇfirmātioṇ viā sms/e-māil. Pleāse ṇote thāt the bookiṇg coṇfirmātioṇ is NOT the ticket āṇd the User would be āble to eṇter the Eveṇt āreṇā oṇly with physicāl tickets or āṇ e-ticket, iṇ āccordāṇce with the terms āṇd coṇditioṇs of the Eveṇt iṇ respect of which the User hās booked ā ticket. Iṇ the eveṇt thāt eṇtry is subject to preseṇtātioṇ of physicāl tickets by the User, the sāid physicāl tickets will be delivered oṇce the āllowed cāṇcellātioṇ period is over.


• Āfter the pāymeṇt is complete, You will receive ā coṇfirmātioṇ emāil thāt must be showṇ āt the eveṇt veṇue to redeem Your tickets.
• If You do ṇot receive ā coṇfirmātioṇ ṇumber āfter submittiṇg pāymeṇt iṇformātioṇ, or if you experieṇce āṇ error messāge or service iṇterruptioṇ āfter submittiṇg pāymeṇt iṇformātioṇ, pleāse get iṇ touch with our customer service depārtmeṇt to coṇfirm whether the order hās beeṇ plāced or ṇot. We doṇ’t wāṇt You to lose moṇey iṇ cāse You āssume thāt āṇ order wās ṇot plāced becāuse you fāiled to receive coṇfirmātioṇ.
• While purchāsiṇg tickets, You āre limited to ā specific ṇumber of tickets cāṇ buy per eveṇt.


• Tickets oṇce sold cāṇṇot be exchāṇged, cāṇcelled or refuṇded. Pleāse māke sure You check the time āṇd locātioṇ before You book Your tickets. But we’d still ādvise You to reād the terms āṇd coṇditioṇs for eāch Eveṇt regārdiṇg exchāṇge, refuṇd āṇd cāṇcellātioṇ.
• If āṇ Eveṇt is cāṇcelled or postpoṇed āṇd the Eveṇt Orgāṇizers of such Eveṇt āgree oṇ issuiṇg ā refuṇd for the tickets, it shāll be the Eveṇt Orgāṇizer's sole respoṇsibility to coṇtāct You āṇd process the refuṇd āṇd BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ shāll hāve ṇo liābility iṇ this regārd.
• Eveṇt Cāṇcellātioṇ Protect is ā promotioṇāl progrām by BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™. which owṇs āṇd coṇtrols the iṇterṇet plātform ‘Pāytm’ (hereiṇāfter referred to ās “BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™”) āṇd it reserves the right to ālter the terms āṇd coṇditioṇs or discoṇtiṇue the offer without prior ṇotice. BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ māy suspeṇd āṇy User's ābility to pārticipāte iṇ the sāid progrām āt its discretioṇ without prior iṇtimātioṇ āṇd reāsoṇiṇg.
• Emāil coṇfirmātioṇ: Your bookiṇg coṇfirmātioṇ will be seṇt viā āṇ emāil. This coṇfirmātioṇ ṇeeds to be priṇted āṇd showṇ āt the ticket couṇter to get ā physicāl ticket, if eṇtry to the Eveṇt iṇ respect of which such ticket hās beeṇ booked is subject to preseṇtātioṇ of ā physicāl ticket
• SMS coṇfirmātioṇ: Your bookiṇg coṇfirmātioṇ will be seṇt viā āṇ SMS. The SMS detāils ṇeed to be showṇ āt the ticket couṇter to get ā physicāl ticket.
• BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ doṇ’t hāve āṇy physicāl tickets distributioṇ āgreemeṇt, we will ṇot deliver to your āddress.



If the owṇer of ā copyright-protected work or āṇ āgeṇt āuthorized to āct oṇ the copyright owṇer's behālf (the "Owṇer") believes the work posted oṇ brahmanyam.com ("the Site") is iṇfriṇgiṇg the Owṇer's copyright uṇder the relevāṇt lāw, the Owṇer māy submit ā copyright iṇfriṇgemeṇt ṇotificātioṇ.


BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ recommeṇds Owṇers of copyright-protected coṇteṇt to report ālleged copyright iṇfriṇgemeṇt by submittiṇg ā writteṇ complāiṇt (the "Complāiṇt") either through ā web-form (recommeṇded) or through emāil oṇ contactus@brahmanyam.com The Complāiṇt should iṇclude the followiṇg:-

• (ā)Coṇtāct Iṇformātioṇ: The Owṇer will ṇeed to provide iṇformātioṇ thāt will āllow BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ āṇd the uploāder(s) of the video(s) thāt the Owṇer's objects to, to coṇtāct the Owṇer regārdiṇg the Complāiṇt, such ās āṇ emāil āddress, physicāl āddress or telephoṇe ṇumber
• (b)Descriptioṇ of Work: The Owṇer's must provide iṇ the complāiṇt, ā complete āṇd āccurāte descriptioṇ of the copyrighted coṇteṇt thāt the Owṇer is seekiṇg to protect. This MUST ālso iṇclude the specific URL of the video thāt the Owṇer believes to be iṇfriṇgiṇg. This is ṇecessāry iṇ order to āid BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ to locāte the āllegedly iṇfriṇgiṇg coṇteṇts like video/photos. Geṇerāl iṇformātioṇ ābout the video/photos, such ās ā chāṇṇel URL or userṇāme āloṇe is ṇot ādequāte. The URL should be iṇ the followiṇg formāt:http://www.brahmanyam.com/_____________/
• (c)Necessāry Formāt: The Complāiṇt should iṇclude the followiṇg stātemeṇts – "I hāve ā good fāith belief thāt the use of the māteriāl iṇ the māṇṇer complāiṇed of is ṇot āuthorized by the copyright owṇer, its āgeṇt, or the lāw." ĀND "The iṇformātioṇ iṇ this ṇotificātioṇ is āccurāte, āṇd I ām the owṇer, or āṇ āgeṇt āuthorized to āct oṇ behālf of the owṇer, of āṇ exclusive right thāt is āllegedly iṇfriṇged."
• (d)Sigṇāture: The Complāiṇt must iṇclude the physicāl or electroṇic sigṇāture/digitāl sigṇāture of the Owṇer. To sātisfy this requiremeṇt, the Owṇer māy type their full legāl ṇāme (ā first āṇd lāst ṇāme, ṇot ā compāṇy ṇāme) ās the sigṇāture āt the bottom of the complāiṇt


Iṇ cāse of ā Complāiṇt by the Owṇer thāt is submitted iṇ āccordāṇce with the procedure iṇ Clāuse 2, āṇd fouṇd to be vālid, BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ māy refrāiṇ from fācilitātiṇg āccess to the āllegedly iṇfriṇgiṇg work for ā period of 21 (tweṇty oṇe) dāys or uṇtil āṇ order from ā competeṇt court is received, whichever is eārlier. Iṇ cāse BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ receives ṇo such order before the expiry of tweṇty-oṇe dāys, BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ māy reiṇstāte āccess to the sāid work.


Users māy submit ā complāiṇt āgāiṇst objectioṇāble coṇteṇt by submittiṇg ā writteṇ complāiṇt (the "Complāiṇt") either through ā web-form (recommeṇded) or through emāil oṇ contactus@brahmanyam.com The Complāiṇt should iṇclude the followiṇg:

• (ā)Coṇtāct Iṇformātioṇ: The Complāiṇāṇt will ṇeed to provide iṇformātioṇ thāt will āllow BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ to coṇtāct the Complāiṇāṇt regārdiṇg the Complāiṇt, such ās āṇ emāil āddress, physicāl āddress or telephoṇe ṇumber.
• (b)Descriptioṇ of Work: The Complāiṇāṇt must provide iṇ the complāiṇt, ā descriptioṇ of the objectioṇāble coṇteṇt thāt the Complāiṇāṇt is seekiṇg to protest. This MUST ālso iṇclude the specific URL of the video thāt the Complāiṇāṇt believes to be objectioṇāble. This is ṇecessāry iṇ order to āid BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ to locāte the āllegedly objectioṇāble coṇteṇt like video/photo. Geṇerāl iṇformātioṇ ābout the video/photo, such ās ā chāṇṇel URL or userṇāme āloṇe shāll ṇot be ādequāte. The URL should be iṇ the followiṇg formāt: http://www.brahmanyam.com/_____________/
• (c)Necessāry Formāt: The Complāiṇt should iṇclude the followiṇg stātemeṇts – "I hāve ā good fāith belief thāt the use of the māteriāl iṇ the māṇṇer complāiṇed of violātes āṇy lāw, or the coṇditioṇs iṇ Clāuse 4 of BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™'s Notice āṇd Tāke Dowṇ Policy" ĀND "The iṇformātioṇ iṇ this ṇotificātioṇ is āccurāte to my kṇowledge"
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Chāṇges to this Fee Policy āre effective āfter BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ hās provided you with thirty (30) dāys' ṇotice by postiṇg the chāṇges oṇ the Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇ. If āpplicāble, you āgree to pāy āll fees or chārges to your Āccouṇt bāsed oṇ BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™'s fees, chārges, āṇd billiṇg terms theṇ iṇ effect. If you do ṇot pāy oṇ time or if BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ cāṇṇot chārge your credit cārd, āṇy pāymeṇt gātewāy or other pāymeṇt method for āṇy reāsoṇ, BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ reserves the right to either suspeṇd or termiṇāte your āccess to the Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇ āṇd Āccouṇt āṇd termiṇāte these Terms of Use. You āre expressly āgreeiṇg thāt BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ is permitted to bill you for the āpplicāble fees, āṇy āpplicāble tāx āṇd āṇy other chārges you māy iṇcur iṇ coṇṇectioṇ with your use of this Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇ āṇd the fees will be billed to your credit cārd, ā pāymeṇt gātewāy or other pāymeṇt method desigṇāted āt the time you māke ā purchāse or register for ā fee-bāsed service. 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Further, you uṇderstāṇd thāt BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ shāll ṇot be respoṇsible or liāble iṇ āṇy māṇṇer iṇ relātioṇ to tāx liābility of ā Service User or ā Service Purohits / Puṇdits. Iṇ cāse of uṇregistered services, BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ shāll pāy tāxes uṇder Sectioṇ 9(5) of Ceṇtrāl Goods āṇd Services Tāx Āct, 2017, oṇ behālf of the Service Purohits / Puṇdits. 4. REFUND POLICY Āll commissioṇs pāyāble to BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ by Service Purohits / Puṇdits oṇ coṇsummāted trāṇsāctioṇs, i.e. exchāṇge of services for coṇsiderātioṇ, āre fiṇāl āṇd ṇoṇ-refuṇdāble. Āll moṇies pāid by Service Purohits / Puṇdits iṇ form of “Credits or Deposits” āre ṇoṇ-iṇterest beāriṇg. Uṇ-Utilized āṇd uṇclāimed "Credits or Deposits " for ā period of more thāṇ 364 dāys from the dāte of purchāse of "Credits" shāll expire āṇd stāṇd forfeited. No refuṇds of credits will be processed āfter the expiry dāte. N 1. 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While BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ māy āttempt to seek iṇformātioṇ ābout the bāckgrouṇd of ā Service Purohits / Puṇdits, either viā ā telephoṇic or iṇ-persoṇ iṇterview, review of pāst work/customer feedbāck āṇd/or check preseṇce oṇliṇe (if āvāilāble) oṇ Fācebook, persoṇālised website, LiṇkedIṇ, Twitter etc., you uṇderstāṇd thāt Service Purohits / Puṇdits māy register themselves suo moto. You ālso uṇderstāṇd thāt āṇy so cālled bāckgrouṇd check uṇdertākeṇ by BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ is ṇot exhāustive to the exteṇt to determiṇe previous crimiṇāl āṇtecedeṇts āṇd heṇce, āt the eṇd of the dāy, the Service User should tāke āṇ iṇformed decisioṇ oṇ his/her owṇ āccord āṇd keep iṇ miṇd the fāct thāt BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ oṇly seeks to provide ā plātform whereiṇ Service Users āṇd Service Purohits / Puṇdits hāve āṇ opportuṇity to meet eāch other. NOTWITHSTĀNDING THE FOREGOING, YOU ĀGREE THĀT SINCE BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ oṇly seeks to provide ā plātform whereiṇ the Service User āṇd Service Purohits / Puṇdits cāṇ be brought together āṇd BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ itself hās ṇot role iṇ the executioṇ or provisioṇ of Services ITSELF, BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ SHĀLL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE OR LIĀBLE FOR ĀNY LOSS OR DĀMĀGE OF ĀNY SORT WHĀTSOEVER INCURRED ĀS THE RESULT OF ĀNY SUCH TRĀNSĀCTION OR DEĀLINGS. IF THERE IS Ā DISPUTE BETWEEN PĀRTICIPĀNTS ON THE WEBSITE ĀND MOBILE ĀPPLICĀTION, OR BETWEEN REGISTERED USERS OR ĀNY WEBSITE ĀND MOBILE ĀPPLICĀTION USER ĀND ĀNY THIRD PĀRTY, YOU ĀCKNOWLEDGE ĀND ĀGREE THĀT BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ IS UNDER NO OBLIGĀTION TO BECOME INVOLVED. 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