Privacy Policy

BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ Privācy Policy Āgreemeṇt - Iṇdiā
Lāst updāted Mārch 25, 2020 

This Terms of Use āgreemeṇt wās lāst updāted: Mārch 25th, 2020. This Privācy Policy āgreemeṇt is effective ās of: Mārch 25th, 2020.

BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ ("BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™") vālues your privācy. Iṇ this Privācy Policy ("Policy"), we describe the iṇformātioṇ thāt we collect ābout you wheṇ you visit our Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇs, (the "Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇs") āṇd use the services āvāilāble oṇ the Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇs ("Services"), āṇd how we use āṇd disclose thāt iṇformātioṇ.

If you hāve āṇy questioṇs or commeṇts ābout the Privācy Policy, pleāse coṇtāct us āt coṇtactus@brahmaṇ . This Policy is iṇcorporāted iṇto āṇd is subject to the BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ Terms of Use, which cāṇ be āccessed ātācy-policy . Your use of the Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇs āṇd/or Services āṇd āṇy persoṇāl iṇformātioṇ you provide oṇ the Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇs remāiṇs subject to the terms of the Policy āṇd BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™'s Terms of Use.

Iṇ terms of the Iṇformātioṇ Techṇology (Iṇtermediāries Guideliṇes) Rules, 2011 āṇd the Iṇformātioṇ Techṇology (Reāsoṇāble Security Prāctices āṇd Procedures āṇd Seṇsitive Persoṇāl Dātā or Iṇformātioṇ) Rules, 2011, āṇy grievāṇce or complāiṇt māy be iṇtimāted to BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™, #188/Ā, 1st Floor, 4th Cross, 5th Block, 3rd Phāse, Kāthreguppe, Bāṇāshāṇkāri 3rd Stāge, Bāṇgālore-560085, Kārṇātākā, Iṇdiā (“Bāṇgālore Corporāte Office”). The complāiṇt shāll be redressed withiṇ ā period of 1 (oṇe) moṇth.

Ā. Collectioṇ of Your Persoṇāl Iṇformātioṇ

“Persoṇāl iṇformātioṇ” is defiṇed to iṇclude iṇformātioṇ thāt whether oṇ its owṇ or iṇ combiṇātioṇ with other iṇformātioṇ māy be used to reādily ideṇtify or coṇtāct you such ās: ṇāme, āddress, emāil āddress, phoṇe ṇumber etc.

We collect persoṇāl iṇformātioṇ from Service Purohits / Puṇdits offeriṇg their services. This iṇformātioṇ is pārtiālly or completely āccessible to āll visitors usiṇg BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™’s Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇs or mobile āpplicātioṇ, either directly or by submittiṇg ā request for ā service. Service Purohits / Puṇdits āṇd customers āre required to creāte āṇ āccouṇt to be āble to āccess certāiṇ portioṇs of our Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇs, such ās to submit questioṇs, pārticipāte iṇ polls or surveys, to request ā quote, to submit ā bid iṇ respoṇse to ā quote, āṇd request iṇformātioṇ. - Service Purohits / Puṇdits, if āṇd wheṇ they creāte āṇd use āṇ āccouṇt with BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™, will be required to disclose āṇd provide to BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ iṇformātioṇ iṇcludiṇg persoṇāl coṇtāct detāils, bāṇk detāils, persoṇāl ideṇtificātioṇ detāils (such ās PĀṆ cārd, Āādhār cārd, phoṇebook, cāll logs etc.) āṇd pārticipāte iṇ polls or surveys or feedbācks etc. Such iṇformātioṇ gāthered shāll be utilized to eṇsure greāter customer sātisfāctioṇ āṇd help ā customer sātiāte their ṇeeds. The type of persoṇāl iṇformātioṇ thāt we collect from you vāries bāsed oṇ your pārticulār iṇterāctioṇ with our Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇs or mobile āpplicātioṇ.

Coṇsumers: Duriṇg the Āccouṇt registrātioṇ process āṇd duriṇg your usāge of BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™’s Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇs or āpplicātioṇ, we will collect iṇformātioṇ such ās your ṇāme, postāl code, telephoṇe emāil āddress āṇd other persoṇāl iṇformātioṇ. You ālso māy provide us with your, māiliṇg āddress, āṇd demogrāphic iṇformātioṇ (e.g., geṇder, āge, politicāl prefereṇce, educātioṇ, rāce or ethṇic origiṇ, āṇd other iṇformātioṇ relevāṇt to user surveys āṇd/or offers). We māy ālso collect persoṇāl iṇformātioṇ thāt you post iṇ your Offer, Profile, Wāṇts, or Feedbāck, āṇd āṇy commeṇts or discussioṇs you post iṇ āṇy blog, chāt room, or other correspoṇdeṇce site oṇ the Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇs or mobile āpplicātioṇ, or āṇy commeṇts you provide duriṇg dispute resolutioṇ with other users of the Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇs or mobile āpplicātioṇ.

Service Purohits / Puṇdits / Trust: If you āre ā Service Purohits / Puṇdits / Trust āṇd would like to post āṇy iṇformātioṇ ābout yourself, we will require you to register for āṇ Āccouṇt. Duriṇg the Āccouṇt registrātioṇ process, we will collect your busiṇess ṇāme, telephoṇe ṇumber, āddress, zip code, trāvel prefereṇces, ā descriptioṇ of your services, ā heādliṇe for your profile, first āṇd lāst ṇāme, āṇd emāil āddress. Other iṇformātioṇ māy ālso be required to be provided to BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ whilst you āvāil āṇd use BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™’s Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇs or āpplicātioṇ. Iṇ ādditioṇ, you māy, but āre ṇot required to, provide other coṇteṇt or iṇformātioṇ ābout your busiṇess, iṇcludiṇg photogrāphs āṇd videos. We ālso māy collect pāymeṇt iṇformātioṇ, such ās credit cārd iṇformātioṇ, from you.

Bāckgrouṇd Verificātioṇ: The Service Purohits / Puṇdits āckṇowledges thāt ās pārt of the oṇ-boārdiṇg process, the Compāṇy or āṇ eṇtity /āgeṇcy āppoiṇted or ṇomiṇāted by the Compāṇy (“Verifier”), māy uṇdertāke bāckgrouṇd verificātioṇ checks of the Service Purohits / Puṇdits iṇ order to āutheṇticāte iṇter āliā the geṇuiṇeṇess āṇd competeṇcy of the Service Purohits / Puṇdits. Iṇ light of the ābove, the Service Purohits / Puṇdits expressly coṇseṇts to āṇd āckṇowledges the followiṇg:

  1. i) The Service Purohits / Puṇdits does ṇot āṇd will ṇot hāve āṇy objectioṇ to BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ shāriṇg the Service Purohits / Puṇdits’s persoṇāl iṇformātioṇ āṇd documeṇts, iṇcludiṇg but ṇot limited to ṇāme, geṇder, dāte of birth, āddresses, mobile ṇumber, emāil, educātioṇ record, employmeṇt record, Āādhār ṇumber, other goverṇmeṇt issued IDs such ās Voter ID, PĀṆ cārd, driviṇg liceṇse etc. (collectively “Proprietāry Iṇformātioṇ”) with the Verifier for the purpose of bāckgrouṇd checks āṇd verificātioṇ.
  2. ii) The Service Purohits / Puṇdits āuthorizes the Verifier to securely store the Service Purohits / Puṇdits’s Proprietāry Iṇformātioṇ oṇ their plātform āṇd uṇderstāṇds thāt the Verifier shāll eṇdeāvor to eṇsure coṇfideṇtiālity of the sāme.
  3. iii) The Service Purohits / Puṇdits āckṇowledges thāt the digitāl record of the Proprietāry Iṇformātioṇ oṇ the Verifier’s plātform shāll be āccessible to BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ āṇd BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ āṇd their āuthorized users/pārtṇers/āffiliātes/coṇtrāctors shāll be eṇtitled to āccess āṇd updāte such digitāl record oṇ the Verifier’s plātform, iṇcludiṇg dātā, documeṇts, certificātes, verificātioṇ reports, refereṇces, testimoṇiāls, etc. āṇd shāll be eṇtitled to use the relāted services provided viā the Verifier’s plātform.
  4. iv) The Service Purohits / Puṇdits āckṇowledges thāt if the Service Purohits / Puṇdits is desirous of editiṇg āṇd/or deletiṇg its digitāl record from the Verifier’s plātform, it shāll be eṇtitled to do so by seṇdiṇg āṇ emāil to such emāil āddress of the Verifier which shāll be immediātely provided by the Compāṇy to the Service Purohits / Puṇdits, āṇd iṇ such ā māṇṇer ās the Verifier requires the sāme.
  5. v) BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ reserves its right to tāke āppropriāte āctioṇs (iṇ its sole discretioṇ) pursuāṇt to the outcome of the bāckgrouṇd check āṇd verificātioṇ.


BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ reserves the right to record the coṇversātioṇs betweeṇ Service Purohits / Puṇdits āṇd coṇsumers fācilitāted by BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ through the messāgiṇg/chāt mechāṇism oṇ the plātform or the cālls māde through the virtuāl ṇumbers provided to sāfeguārd the privācy of coṇsumers āṇd Service Purohits / Puṇdits. Āll the chāt/messāgiṇg logs or cāll recordiṇgs cāṇ be used to but ṇot limited to moṇitor āṇd prohibit ābuse, sāfeguārd the rights of coṇsumers āṇd Service Purohits / Puṇdits, resolve disputes.
If we deem it ṇecessāry, iṇ our sole āṇd ābsolute discretioṇ, we māy ālso āsk for āṇd collect supplemeṇtāl iṇformātioṇ from third pārties, such ās iṇformātioṇ ābout your credit from ā credit bureāu (to the exteṇt permitted by lāw), or iṇformātioṇ to verify āṇy ideṇtificātioṇ detāils you provide duriṇg registrātioṇ.

You māy log iṇto our Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇs through your Fācebook āccouṇt. If you do so, you must eṇter the emāil āddress āṇd pāssword thāt you use for your Fācebook āccouṇt. We will āsk thāt you grāṇt us permissioṇ to āccess āṇd collect your Fācebook bāsic iṇformātioṇ (this iṇcludes your ṇāme, profile picture, geṇder, ṇetworks, user IDs, list of frieṇds, dāte of birth, emāil āddress, āṇd āṇy other iṇformātioṇ you hāve set to public oṇ your Fācebook āccouṇt). If you āllow us to hāve āccess to this iṇformātioṇ, theṇ we will hāve āccess to this iṇformātioṇ eveṇ if you hāve choseṇ ṇot to māke thāt iṇformātioṇ public.

We store the iṇformātioṇ thāt we receive from Fācebook with other iṇformātioṇ thāt we collect from you or receive ābout you.
Fācebook coṇtrols the iṇformātioṇ it collects from you. For iṇformātioṇ ābout how Fācebook māy use āṇd disclose your iṇformātioṇ, iṇcludiṇg āṇy iṇformātioṇ you māke public, pleāse coṇsult Fācebook's privācy policy. We hāve ṇo coṇtrol over how āṇy third pārty site uses or discloses the persoṇāl iṇformātioṇ it collects ābout you.

We āṇd our third pārty service providers, which iṇclude ād ṇetworks, use cookies, web beācoṇs, āṇd other trāckiṇg techṇologies to collect iṇformātioṇ ābout your use of our Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇs āṇd Services, such ās your browser type, your ISP or operātiṇg system, your domāiṇ ṇāme, your āccess time, the URL of the previous Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇs you visited, your pāge views, your IP āddress, āṇd the type of device thāt you use. We ālso trāck how frequeṇtly you visit our Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇs āṇd use our Services. We use this iṇformātioṇ (iṇcludiṇg the iṇformātioṇ collected by our third pārty service providers) for Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇs āṇālytics (iṇcludiṇg to determiṇe which portioṇs of our Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇs āre used most frequeṇtly, whāt our users like/do ṇot like), to āssist us iṇ determiṇiṇg relevāṇt ādvertisiṇg (both oṇ āṇd off our Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇs), to evāluāte the success of our ādvertisiṇg cāmpāigṇs, āṇd ās otherwise described iṇ this policy. Curreṇtly, we do ṇot hoṇor browser requests ṇot to be trācked.

We māy obtāiṇ your device ID, which is seṇt to BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™'s servers āṇd used iṇ frāud preveṇtioṇ efforts.

Cookies. We āṇd our third pārty service providers collect iṇformātioṇ from you by usiṇg cookies. Ā cookie is ā smāll file stored oṇ user's computer hārd drive coṇtāiṇiṇg iṇformātioṇ ābout the user. The cookie helps us āṇālyze web trāffic or iṇforms you ābout your use of ā pārticulār Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇs. Cookies āllow web āpplicātioṇs to respoṇd to you ās āṇ iṇdividuāl, tāiloriṇg its operātioṇs to your ṇeeds, likes āṇd dislikes by gātheriṇg āṇd rememberiṇg iṇformātioṇ ābout your prefereṇces. Wheṇ you visit the Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇs, we māy seṇd oṇe or more cookies (i.e., ā smāll text file coṇtāiṇiṇg ā striṇg of ālphāṇumeric chārācters) to your computer thāt ideṇtifies your browser.

Some of these cookies māy be coṇṇected to third-pārty compāṇies or Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇs. The terms of use of such cookies āre goverṇed by this Policy āṇd the privācy policy of the relevāṇt third pārty compāṇy or Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇs. For exāmple, Google meāsures the performāṇce of ādvertisemeṇts by plāciṇg cookies oṇ your computer wheṇ you click oṇ āds. If you visit the Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇs wheṇ you hāve such cookies oṇ your computer, we āṇd Google will be āble to tell thāt you sāw the ād delivered by Google. The terms of use of these cookies āre goverṇed by this Policy āṇd Google's Privācy Policy.

Disābliṇg Cookies. You cāṇ choose to āccept or decliṇe cookies. Most web browsers āutomāticālly āccept cookies, but you cāṇ usuālly modify your browser settiṇg to decliṇe cookies if you prefer. If you disāble cookies you māy be preveṇted from tākiṇg full ādvāṇtāge of the Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇs becāuse it māy ṇot fuṇctioṇ properly if the ābility to āccept cookies is disābled.

Cleār GIFs, pixel tāgs āṇd other techṇologies. Cleār GIFs āre tiṇy grāphics with ā uṇique ideṇtifier, similār iṇ fuṇctioṇ to cookies. Iṇ coṇtrāst to cookies, which āre stored oṇ your computer's hārd drive, cleār GIFs āre embedded iṇvisibly oṇ web pāges. We māy use cleār GIFs (ā.k.ā. web beācoṇs, web bugs or pixel tāgs), iṇ coṇṇectioṇ with our Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇs to, āmoṇg other thiṇgs, trāck the āctivities of Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇs visitors, help us māṇāge coṇteṇt, āṇd compile stātistics ābout Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇs usāge. We āṇd our third pārty service providers ālso use cleār GIFs iṇ HTML emāils to our customers, to help us trāck emāil respoṇse rātes, ideṇtify wheṇ our emāils āre viewed, āṇd trāck whether our emāils āre forwārded.


  1. ā. This āpp coṇtāiṇs ā softwāre developmeṇt kit (“SDK”) from ā third pārty, <<SDK>> ṆĀME. The SDK is iṇtegrāted with this āpp for the purposes of profiliṇg the device oṇ mediā coṇsumptioṇ āṇd other device dātā āṇd utiliziṇg the sāme to āṇālyze mediā behāvior āṇd/or tārget relevāṇt coṇteṇt āṇd āds to the device (“Services”) pursuāṇt to the terms āṇd coṇditioṇs of <<SDK>> ṆĀME Services (“Terms of Use”). Further detāils cāṇ be obtāiṇed āt http://www.
  2. b. If you do ṇot wish for <<SDK>> to ideṇtify televisioṇ, rādio āṇd other offliṇe coṇteṇt viewiṇg ārouṇd your mobile device, pleāse opt out of āll RBL Services viā the followiṇg liṇk: http://www.
  3. c. <<SDK>> does ṇot collect āṇy persoṇālly ideṇtifiāble iṇformātioṇ or āudio/video / imāge/coṇtāct files from your mobile device. For āṇy questioṇs or clārificātioṇs pleāse reāch out to: privācy@
  4. d. <<SDK>> ālso āutomāticālly receives āṇd trācks certāiṇ dātā ābout your mobile device (such ās your device-type, iṇstālled softwāre āṇd lāṇguāge prefereṇce) your tāps āṇd iṇterests; āṇd māy creāte ā uṇique device or user ID for you. Iṇ some cāses<<SDK>> cāṇ āutomāticālly detect or iṇfer your locātioṇ usiṇg GPS, your IP āddress, wātermārks, but ofteṇ your operātiṇg system will require you to grāṇt <<SDK>> permissioṇ to āccess your GPS; pleāse refer to your device’s system settiṇgs regārdiṇg locātioṇ services

B. How BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ Uses the Iṇformātioṇ We Collect

We collect your persoṇāl iṇformātioṇ āṇd āggregāte iṇformātioṇ ābout the use of our Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇs āṇd Services to better uṇderstāṇd your ṇeeds āṇd to provide you with ā better Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇs experieṇce. Specificālly, we māy use your persoṇāl iṇformātioṇ for āṇy of the followiṇg reāsoṇs:

  1. To provide our Services to you, iṇcludiṇg registeriṇg you for our Services, verifyiṇg your ideṇtity āṇd āuthority to use our Services, āṇd to otherwise eṇāble you to use our Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇs āṇd our Services;
  2. For customer support āṇd to respoṇd to your iṇquiries;
  3. For iṇterṇāl record-keepiṇg purposes;
  4. To process billiṇg āṇd pāymeṇt, iṇcludiṇg shāriṇg with third pārty pāymeṇt gātewāys iṇ coṇṇectioṇ with Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇs āṇd/or BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™'s products āṇd Services;
  5. To improve āṇd māiṇtāiṇ our Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇs āṇd our Services (for exāmple, we trāck iṇformātioṇ eṇtered through the "Seārch" fuṇctioṇ; this helps us determiṇe which āreās of our Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇs users like best āṇd āreās thāt we māy wāṇt to eṇhāṇce; we ālso will use for trouble-shootiṇg purposes, where āpplicāble);
  6. To periodicālly seṇd promotioṇāl emāils to the emāil āddress you provide regārdiṇg ṇew products from BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™, speciāl offers from BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ or other iṇformātioṇ ābout BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ thāt we thiṇk you māy fiṇd iṇterestiṇg;
  7. To coṇtāct you viā emāil, telephoṇe, fācsimile or māil, or, where requested, by text messāge, to deliver certāiṇ services or iṇformātioṇ you hāve requested;
  8. For BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™'s mārket reseārch purposes, iṇcludiṇg, but ṇot limited to, the customizātioṇ of the Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇs āccordiṇg to your iṇterests;
  9. We māy use your demogrāphic iṇformātioṇ (i.e., āge, postāl code, resideṇtiāl āṇd commerciāl āddresses, āṇd other vārious dātā) to more effectively fācilitāte the promotioṇ of goods āṇd services to āppropriāte tārget āudieṇces āṇd for other reseārch āṇd āṇālyticāl purposes;
  10. To resolve disputes, to protect ourselves āṇd other users of our Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇs āṇd Services, āṇd to eṇforce our Terms of Use;
  11. We ālso māy compāre persoṇāl iṇformātioṇ collected through the Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇs āṇd Services to verify its āccurācy with persoṇāl iṇformātioṇ collected from third pārties; āṇd
  12. We māy combiṇe āggregāte dātā with the persoṇāl iṇformātioṇ we collect ābout you.
  13. From time to time, BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ māy use persoṇāl iṇformātioṇ for ṇew āṇd uṇāṇticipāted uses ṇot previously disclosed iṇ our Privācy Policy. If our iṇformātioṇ prāctices chāṇge regārdiṇg iṇformātioṇ previously collected, BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ shāll māke reāsoṇāble efforts to provide ṇotice āṇd obtāiṇ coṇseṇt of āṇy such uses ās māy be required by lāw.


C. Electroṇic Ṇewsletters, Iṇvitātioṇs, Polls āṇd Surveys
Āt our sole discretioṇ, BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ māy offer āṇy of the followiṇg free services oṇ the Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇs, which you māy select to use or receive āt your optioṇ. Certāiṇ of the followiṇg services māy require you to provide ādditioṇāl persoṇāl iṇformātioṇ ās detāiled below:

We māy offer ā free electroṇic ṇewsletter to users. We will gāther the emāil āddresses of users who sigṇ up for BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ for the ṇewsletter māiliṇg list. Users māy remove themselves from this māiliṇg list by optiṇg out of receiviṇg ṇewsletters duriṇg the registrātioṇ process, by followiṇg the liṇk provided iṇ eāch ṇewsletter thāt poiṇts users to ā subscriptioṇ māṇāgemeṇt pāge where the user cāṇ uṇsubscribe from receiviṇg ṇewsletters or by chāṇgiṇg their prefereṇces iṇ their Profile Settiṇgs pāge.

Our Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇs users cāṇ voluṇtārily choose to electroṇicālly forwārd ā liṇk, pāge, or documeṇt to someoṇe else by clickiṇg "seṇd to ā frieṇd." To do so, the user must provide his or her emāil āddress, ās well ās the emāil āddress of the recipieṇt. The user's emāil āddress is used oṇly iṇ the cāse of trāṇsmissioṇ errors āṇd, of course, to let the recipieṇt kṇow who seṇt the emāil. The iṇformātioṇ is ṇot used for āṇy other purpose.

We māy offer iṇterāctive polls to users so they cāṇ eāsily shāre their opiṇioṇs with other users āṇd see whāt our āudieṇce thiṇks ābout importāṇt issues, Services, āṇd/or the Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇs. Opiṇioṇs or other respoṇses to polls āre āggregāted āṇd āre ṇot ideṇtifiāble to āṇy pārticulār user. We māy use ā system to "tāg" users āfter they hāve voted, so they cāṇ vote oṇly oṇce oṇ ā pārticulār questioṇ. This tāg is ṇot correlāted with iṇformātioṇ ābout iṇdividuāl users.

We māy coṇduct user surveys from time to time to better tārget our coṇteṇt to our Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇs users. We will ṇot shāre iṇdividuāl respoṇses from these surveys with āṇy third pārty. We will shāre āggregāte dātā with third pārty service providers, pārtṇers, āṇd other third pārties. We ālso will post āggregāte dātā coṇtāiṇiṇg survey respoṇses oṇ our Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇs; thāt dātā māy be viewed āṇd dowṇloāded by other users of our Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇs.

D. Security
We employ procedurāl āṇd techṇologicāl security meāsures, which āre reāsoṇābly desigṇed to help protect your persoṇāl iṇformātioṇ from uṇāuthorized āccess or disclosure. BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ māy use eṇcryptioṇ, pāsswords, āṇd physicāl security meāsures to help protect your persoṇāl iṇformātioṇ āgāiṇst uṇāuthorized āccess āṇd disclosure. Ṇo security meāsures, however, āre 100% complete. Therefore, we do ṇot promise āṇd cāṇṇot guārāṇtee, āṇd thus you should ṇot expect, thāt your persoṇāl iṇformātioṇ or privāte commuṇicātioṇs will ṇot be collected āṇd used by others. You should tāke steps to protect āgāiṇst uṇāuthorized āccess to your pāssword, phoṇe, āṇd computer by, āmoṇg other thiṇgs, sigṇiṇg off āfter usiṇg ā shāred computer, choosiṇg ā robust pāssword thāt ṇobody else kṇows or cāṇ eāsily guess, āṇd keepiṇg your log-iṇ āṇd pāssword privāte. BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ is ṇot respoṇsible for the uṇāuthorized use of your iṇformātioṇ or for āṇy lost, stoleṇ, compromised pāsswords, or for āṇy āctivity oṇ your Āccouṇt viā uṇāuthorized pāssword āctivity.

E. Disclosure
We māy shāre the iṇformātioṇ thāt we collect ābout you, iṇcludiṇg your persoṇāl iṇformātioṇ, ās follows:

We māy disclose your iṇformātioṇ iṇcludiṇg Persoṇāl Iṇformātioṇ if: (i) BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ reāsoṇābly believes thāt disclosure is ṇecessāry iṇ order to comply with ā legāl process (such ās ā court order, seārch wārrāṇt, etc.) or other legāl requiremeṇt of āṇy goverṇmeṇtāl āuthority, (ii) disclosure would poteṇtiālly mitigāte our liābility iṇ āṇ āctuāl or poteṇtiāl lāwsuit, (iii) reāsoṇābly ṇecessāry to eṇforce this Privācy Policy, our Terms of Use etc. (iv) disclosure is iṇteṇded to help iṇvestigāte or preveṇt uṇāuthorized trāṇsāctioṇs or other illegāl āctivities, or (v) ṇecessāry or āppropriāte to protect our rights or property, or the rights or property of āṇy persoṇ or eṇtity.

We māy coṇtrāct with vārious third pārties for the provisioṇ āṇd māiṇteṇāṇce of the Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇs, Services āṇd our busiṇess operātioṇs, āṇd BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ māy ṇeed to shāre your persoṇāl iṇformātioṇ āṇd dātā geṇerāted by cookies āṇd āggregāte iṇformātioṇ (collectively, "iṇformātioṇ") with these veṇdors āṇd service āgeṇcies. For exāmple, we māy provide your iṇformātioṇ to ā credit cārd processiṇg compāṇy to process your pāymeṇt. The veṇdors āṇd service āgeṇcies will ṇot receive āṇy right to use your persoṇāl iṇformātioṇ beyoṇd whāt is ṇecessāry to perform its obligātioṇs to provide the Services to you. If you complete ā survey, we ālso māy shāre your iṇformātioṇ with the survey provider; if we offer ā survey iṇ coṇjuṇctioṇ with āṇother eṇtity, we ālso will disclose the results to thāt eṇtity.

Your request for services māy be shāred with third pārty Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇs with whom we hāve ā coṇtrāctuāl relātioṇship iṇ order to provide your request with māximum exposure. The post oṇ the third pārty Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇs will iṇclude the detāils of your request, iṇcludiṇg your locātioṇ, āṇd other coṇtāct detāils. Iṇterested bidders, however, will be āble to click oṇ your request oṇ such third pārty site, āṇd will be directed to our Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇs where they will hāve āccess to your coṇtāct detāils (Pārtiāl or complete), ās would āṇy other service provider oṇ our Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇs iṇterested iṇ biddiṇg oṇ your request.

If you āre ā Service Purohits / Puṇdits, the iṇformātioṇ thāt you post (other thāṇ your pāymeṇt iṇformātioṇ) is āvāilāble to other users of our Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇs āṇd our Services. Commeṇts thāt users post to our Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇs ālso will be āvāilāble to other visitors to our Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇs (see our discussioṇ of User Geṇerāted Coṇteṇt below). Iṇ ādditioṇ, we will post the results (iṇ āggregāte form) of surveys to our Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇs. If you āre ā coṇsumer, ṇāme, āṇd locātioṇ, ās well ās the detāils of your request, āre āvāilāble to āll visitors to our Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇs. Biddiṇg professioṇāls ālso will be permitted to see the coṇsumer's full ṇāme, telephoṇe ṇumber, emāil āddress āṇd the -locātioṇ

We will disclose your iṇformātioṇ, iṇcludiṇg, without limitātioṇ, your ṇāme, city, stāte, telephoṇe ṇumber, emāil āddress, user ID history, quotiṇg āṇd listiṇg history, āṇd frāud complāiṇts, to lāw eṇforcemeṇt or other goverṇmeṇt officiāls if we āre required to do so by lāw, regulātioṇ or other goverṇmeṇt āuthority or otherwise iṇ cooperātioṇ with āṇ iṇvestigātioṇ of ā goverṇmeṇtāl āuthority.

Iṇ the eveṇt thāt BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ uṇdergoes ā chāṇge iṇ coṇtrol, iṇcludiṇg, without limitātioṇ, ā merger or sāle of āll or substāṇtiālly āll of BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™'s āssets to which this Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇs relātes or other corporāte reorgāṇizātioṇ iṇ which BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ pārticipātes, āṇd is thus merged with or ācquired by ā third pārty eṇtity (ā "Successor"), BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ hereby reserves the right to trāṇsfer the iṇformātioṇ we hāve collected from the users of the Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇs āṇd/or Services to such Successor.

Iṇ ādditioṇ, iṇ the eveṇt of BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™'s bāṇkruptcy, reorgāṇizātioṇ, receivership, or āssigṇmeṇt for the beṇefit of creditors, or the āpplicātioṇ or lāws or equitāble priṇciples āffectiṇg creditors' rights geṇerālly, BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ māy ṇot be āble to coṇtrol how your iṇformātioṇ is trāṇsferred, used, or treāted āṇd reserves the right to trāṇsfer the iṇformātioṇ we hāve collected from the users of the Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇs āṇd/or Services to ṇoṇ-āffiliāted third pārties iṇ such eveṇt.

We māy shāre your persoṇāl iṇformātioṇ with other Registered Users to whom you explicitly āsk us to seṇd your iṇformātioṇ or if you explicitly coṇseṇt to such disclosure upoṇ receipt of ā specific Service. For iṇstāṇce, wheṇ you coṇtrāct for ā specific Service with āṇother Registered User, BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ will seṇd thāt Registered User ā ṇotice thāt iṇcludes the persoṇāl iṇformātioṇ thāt you hāve choseṇ to āllow BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ to reveāl to users with whom you coṇtrāct.

F. Liṇks to Exterṇāl Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇs
The Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇs māy coṇtāiṇ liṇks to other Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇs or resources over which BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ does ṇot hāve āṇy coṇtrol. Such liṇks do ṇot coṇstitute āṇ eṇdorsemeṇt by BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ of those exterṇāl Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇs. You āckṇowledge thāt BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ is providiṇg these liṇks to you oṇly ās ā coṇveṇieṇce, āṇd further āgree thāt BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ is ṇot respoṇsible for the coṇteṇt of such exterṇāl Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇs. We āre ṇot respoṇsible for the protectioṇ āṇd privācy of āṇy iṇformātioṇ which you provide while visitiṇg such exterṇāl Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇs āṇd such sites āre ṇot goverṇed by this Policy. Your use of āṇy exterṇāl Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇs is subject to the terms of use āṇd privācy policy locāted oṇ the liṇked to exterṇāl Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇs.

G. Updātiṇg, Deletiṇg āṇd Correctiṇg Your Persoṇāl Iṇformātioṇ
You māy choose to restrict the collectioṇ or use of your persoṇāl iṇformātioṇ iṇ the followiṇg wāys:
You cāṇ review, correct āṇd delete your persoṇāl iṇformātioṇ by loggiṇg iṇto the Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇs āṇd ṇāvigātiṇg to your prefereṇces pāge iṇ "Edit Profile." You must promptly updāte your persoṇāl iṇformātioṇ if it chāṇges or is iṇāccurāte. Typicālly, we will ṇot māṇuālly ālter your persoṇāl iṇformātioṇ becāuse it is very difficult to verify your ideṇtity remotely. Ṇoṇetheless, upoṇ your request we will close your Āccouṇt āṇd remove your persoṇāl iṇformātioṇ from view ās sooṇ ās reāsoṇābly possible bāsed oṇ your Āccouṇt āctivity āṇd iṇ āccordāṇce with āpplicāble lāw. We do retāiṇ iṇformātioṇ from closed Āccouṇts iṇ order to comply with the lāw, preveṇt frāud, collect āṇy fees owed, resolve disputes, troubleshoot problems, āssist with āṇy iṇvestigātioṇs of āṇy Registered User, eṇforce our Terms of Use, āṇd tāke āṇy other āctioṇs otherwise permitted by lāw thāt we deem ṇecessāry iṇ our sole āṇd ābsolute discretioṇ. You should uṇderstāṇd, however, thāt oṇce you publicly post ā Request, Offer, Wāṇt, Feedbāck, or āṇy other iṇformātioṇ oṇto the Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇs, you māy ṇot be āble to chāṇge or remove it. Oṇce we hāve deleted or removed your Āccouṇt, you āgree thāt BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ shāll ṇot be respoṇsible for āṇy persoṇāl iṇformātioṇ thāt wās ṇot iṇcluded withiṇ your deleted āṇd/or removed Āccouṇt thāt remāiṇs oṇ the Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇs.

H. Whāt Choices Do I Hāve Regārdiṇg Use of My Persoṇāl Iṇformātioṇ?
We māy seṇd periodic promotioṇāl or iṇformātioṇāl emāils to you. You māy opt-out of such commuṇicātioṇs by followiṇg the opt-out iṇstructioṇs coṇtāiṇed iṇ the emāil. Pleāse ṇote thāt it māy tāke up to 10 busiṇess dāys for us to process opt-out requests. If you opt-out of receiviṇg emāils ābout recommeṇdātioṇs or other iṇformātioṇ we thiṇk māy iṇterest you, we māy still seṇd you emāils ābout your Āccouṇt or āṇy Services you hāve requested or received from us.

I. Third-Pārty Ād Ṇetworks
We pārticipāte iṇ third pārty ād ṇetworks thāt māy displāy ādvertisemeṇts oṇ other Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇs bāsed oṇ your visits to our Site ās well ās other Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇs. This eṇābles us āṇd these third pārties to tārget ādvertisemeṇts by displāyiṇg āds for products āṇd services iṇ which you might be iṇterested. Third pārty ād ṇetwork providers, ādvertisers, spoṇsors āṇd/or trāffic meāsuremeṇt services māy use cookies, JāvāScript, web beācoṇs (iṇcludiṇg cleār GIFs), Flāsh LSOs āṇd other techṇologies to meāsure the effectiveṇess of their āds āṇd to persoṇālize ādvertisiṇg coṇteṇt to you. These third pārty cookies āṇd other techṇologies āre goverṇed by eāch third pārty's specific privācy policy, āṇd ṇot by BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™’s Policy. We māy provide these third-pārty ādvertisers with iṇformātioṇ ābout your usāge of our Site āṇd our services, ās well ās āggregāte or ṇoṇ-persoṇālly ideṇtifiāble iṇformātioṇ ābout visitors to our Site āṇd users of our service.

J. Your Full Ṇāme āṇd Use of BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ Iṇformātioṇ

Ās ā Registered User of the Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇs you will select ā Full Ṇāme duriṇg the registrātioṇ process. Āll of your āctivities oṇ the Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇs will be trāceāble to your Full Ṇāme. Certāiṇ other people, iṇcludiṇg other Registered Users with whom you hāve trāṇsācted busiṇess viā the Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇs, cāṇ see ā lārge pārt of your āctivity oṇ the Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇs. If you book ā service with ā Registered User, cāṇcel ā scheduled service with ā Registered User, receive āṇ offer oṇ your posted service from ā Registered User, or hāve posted ā service, BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ māy seṇd ā ṇotice to you or the āppropriāte Registered User thāt iṇcludes your Full Ṇāme. Thus, if you āssociāte your reāl ṇāme with your Full Ṇāme, the people to whom you hāve reveāled your ṇāme māy be āble to persoṇālly ideṇtify your Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇs āctivities.

The Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇs fācilitātes your shāriṇg of persoṇāl iṇformātioṇ with others iṇ order to ṇegotiāte, provide, āṇd use the Services. If you āgree to coṇtrāct for ā service with āṇother Registered User, you māy ṇeed to reveāl your ṇāme, emāil, phoṇe ṇumber, or persoṇāl āddress to thāt iṇdividuāl so thāt the service māy be performed. Pleāse respect the privācy of others. You āgree to use the iṇformātioṇ of other users solely for the followiṇg purposes: (ā) BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™-trāṇsāctioṇ-relāted purposes; āṇd (b) usiṇg Services offered through the Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇs.

Your pāssword is the key to your Āccouṇt. Wheṇ creātiṇg your pāssword you should use uṇique ṇumbers, letters, speciāl chārācters, āṇd combiṇātioṇs thereof. Iṇ ādditioṇ, DO ṆOT disclose your pāssword to āṇyoṇe. If you do shāre your pāssword or your persoṇāl iṇformātioṇ with others, you āre solely respoṇsible for āll āctioṇs tākeṇ viā your Āccouṇt. If you lose coṇtrol of your pāssword, you māy lose substāṇtiāl coṇtrol over your persoṇāl iṇformātioṇ āṇd be subject to legālly biṇdiṇg āctioṇs tākeṇ oṇ your behālf. Thus, IF YOUR PĀSSWORD HĀS BEEṆ COMPROMISED FOR ĀṆY REĀSOṆ, YOU MUST IMMEDIĀTELY ṆOTIFY BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ TO CHĀṆGE YOUR PĀSSWORD.

K. User Geṇerāted Coṇteṇt
We iṇvite you to post coṇteṇt oṇ our Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇs, iṇcludiṇg your commeṇts, feedbāck, pictures, āṇd āṇy other iṇformātioṇ thāt you would like to be āvāilāble oṇ our Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇs. If you post coṇteṇt to our Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇs, āll of the iṇformātioṇ thāt you post will be āvāilāble to āll visitors to our Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇs. If you post your owṇ coṇteṇt oṇ our Website āṇd Mobile Āpplicātioṇs or Services, your postiṇg māy become public āṇd BRĀHMĀṆYĀM™ cāṇṇot preveṇt such iṇformātioṇ from beiṇg used iṇ ā māṇṇer thāt māy violāte this Policy, the lāw, or your persoṇāl privācy.

L. Privācy Policy Updātes
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